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The Bayeux Tapestry is one of history's most interesting mysteries. Executed "within living memory" of the Battle of Hastings of A.D. 14 October
1066, the tapestry is one of the most important
pictorial survivals from the European Middle Ages.

This website is devoted to providing information about the Bayeux Tapestry and related topics (the Battle of Hastings, the Norman Conquest of England, etc.). This site will also be a forum and clearinghouse for those individuals who have a professional and/or personal interest in the Bayeux Tapestry. We welcome information about the tapestry and related subjects, articles and book reviews of a scholarly nature, and articles and ideas for the pedagogical use of the Bayeux Tapestry.
This website was begun on A.D. 9 October 2001.
This is an open invitation for people with a professional and/or personal interest in the Bayeux Tapestry to suggest items that could/should be added to the Bayeux Tapestry Society webpage. We are especially interested in original research and writing, bibliographies, illustrations, and any other material reasonably related.
The Bayeux Tapestry's origins have been studied diligently by scholars for centuries.
The tapestry is approximately 230 feet long by twenty inches high.

Gifts and Popular Culture Ideas and Sources Welcome!
We are interested in including the names of websites which offer gifts related to the Bayeux Tapestry and related topics. Also, pop culture media related to the Bayeux Tapestry are also welcome.
Send an email


BOL - My Entertainer
We would like for this site to become an important bibliographical source for the Bayeux Tapestry and related subjects. Please consider sending bibliograhical information.

This is the controversial scene depicting the death of King Harold.
The Battle of Hastings, depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry, was the beginning of the Norman Conquest of England.
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